サポートセンター(24h365日無休) 03-5304-8161


Application ExperienceAeLookupSvc
Base Filtering EngineBFE
Background Tasks Infrastructure ServiceBrokerInfrastructure
Certificate PropagationCertPropSvc
COM+ System ApplicationCOMSysApp
Cryptographic ServicesCryptSvc
DCOM Server Process LauncherDcomLaunch
DHCP ClientDhcp
DNS ClientDnscache
Diagnostic Policy ServiceDPS
Windows Event LogEventLog
COM+ Event SystemEventSystem
Windows Font Cache ServiceFontCache
Group Policy Clientgpsvc
IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying ModulesIKEEXT
IP Helperiphlpsvc
TCP/IP NetBIOS Helperlmhosts
Local Session ManagerLSM
Windows FirewallMpsSvc
Distributed Transaction CoordinatorMSDTC
Network ConnectionsNetman
Network List Servicenetprofm
Network Location AwarenessNlaSvc
Network Store Interface Servicensi
Plug and PlayPlugPlay
IPsec Policy AgentPolicyAgent
User Profile ServiceProfSvc
RPC Endpoint MapperRpcEptMapper
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)RpcSs
Security Accounts ManagerSamSs
Task SchedulerSchedule
System Event Notification ServiceSENS
Remote Desktop ConfigurationSessionEnv
Shell Hardware DetectionShellHWDetection
Print SpoolerSpooler
Remote Desktop ServicesTermService
Distributed Link Tracking ClientTrkWks
User Access Logging ServiceUALSVC
Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port RedirectorUmRdpService
Credential ManagerVaultSvc
WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery ServiceWinHttpAutoProxySvc
Windows Management InstrumentationWinmgmt
Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)WinRM